Our commitment:

Feel proud to be part of the Piñalbo family.

Our actions speak for us 


Sustainability in Piñalbo is part of the being of our people.  The average age of our workforce is 32, which makes us a company operated by a generation that truly believes in sustainability as a way of life and work.  

As a company, we are proud of the efforts we make together to ensure that our families, our company, and our community can grow efficiently hand in hand with the values of sustainability.  

Our overall strategy is permeated by sustainability.  Decision making, measuring our actions and results along our value chain: producing, packing, storing and transporting our fruit are all conceived from sustainability.  

Our actions define us. We understand that we still have a long way to go to reach our goals, but today, we are proud of who we are.

Women empowerment & gender equality

Empowering women in rural areas and in an industry led by men for decades is a challenge. However, with the support of our CEO we have created development opportunities for our female employees and continue to create access to educational training to further their leadership roles in our company.

Workplace Safe

Our OSHE team is working hard to raise awareness through training and field reviews to safeguard the welfare of our entire operation, from the farm to the packing house.

Saving water

We are committed to the responsible use of water, both to minimize its use and to preserve its quality. To achieve this, we apply daily strategies that allow us to have measurable results of our use.

Preserving biodiversity

We have 630 hectares of farmland, of which we only plant 150 hectares, in order to preserve biodiversity.

Local impact

We are part of the community, our work impacts the day to day life of the community.