

We have 630 net hectares of production

In 2004 we started with the planting of 16 hectares for the production of pineapple. As the years passed, we were acquiring farms around in order to have a greater offer for the different markets that we served and that we wanted to serve.  

In 2014, we began to execute our growth strategy, which was made up of two stages: the remodeling of our packaging plant that had been built in 2008 and the development of alliances with small producers to create vertical integration. Since then, we have been consciously growing, to maintain quality and efficiency, in Piñalbo's strategy.  

Today we have 240 hectares of own production and 633 hectares of vertical integration, for a total offer of 873 hectares of production, and a modern and well-designed packing house with a capacity of 50 containers per week.



We have an area of plantation of coconut in the Northern Region of Costa Rica. This region of the country allows the growth of the fruits with a unique flavor and we have been growing it under organic practices, making it a very special offer to the market. Our production in 4 hectares is a niche target product with a limited offer to a high-end segment.  

Piñalbo offers coconuts green or peeled, aligned with the demand of the more exquisite market.